This story could start from my very beginning, which is my unexpected birth: With poor financial state back then, my mom still decides to keep moving on even though she knew her life was hectic enough. She decided to give 'Yue' (in Chinese, the word means: 'swim' as the verb which has the same pronunciation with the noun 'oil') as my significant name. She said since I am the last, she wants me to 'add oil' (加油) and go through every inevitable that I'm about to face in life, always moving forward no matter what happens is the sole meaning behind my name.
I always tell myself to be expecting the unexpected ever since I found myself always having unpredictable seizures and sudden dislocations, especially when I was at the edge of graduating, an important phase where most kids start concerning about own future.
These unexpected conditions had almost forbid my way to proceed things I love, but with this habit of mine always predicting weird possibilities everyday to be mentally stable, sort of got me through everything, which also explained how I gotten myself into those wild imaginations people assumed I'm always having. This mindset had really pressured me to develop great openness and reminded me how important it is to keep moving forward even though huge obstacles are clearly expected ahead.
Usually people expect to avoid, but for me I started to find it useless. I only hold onto this belief to be prepared for every possibilities. Twist is important. It might sound pessimistic but to me things usually wouldn't go the way we want it to, but I'm young, along with all those conditions I told myself that I shouldn't hesitate for things I clearly want especially when I still have the time. Plus, if things just goes easily the way we wanted to, there wouldn't be appreciations of little things and magical moments.
Keeping what we want to ourselves might be a good thing to prevent high expecting falls, but remember by doing that the possibility to have a leap in your life is guaranteed zero. Our jump could turn out to be a fall, but without a jump everything is expectedly an empty run. For whatever it is coming to us, we have to be brave enough to accept it and keep moving on, even though things would not turn out the way we expect to, it is alright, things we love or hoping for changes and it is good that we still choose to experience or work hard for it.
I believe in people who just never stops trying and still moving forward even though results are already expected. Have great openness, as effort and process always have higher possibilities to make it up in another way round unexpectedly. There is no eternal especially when we keep making moves to it.
Thus, I hope people would always be inspired to keep moving forward. The little things we thought and ignored could have possibilities to be a huge cause for who we are today and forward, while the conflicts we always face could unexpectedly become little things and stories to us in the end. And who knows, things might change again unexpectedly.